Thursday, January 17, 2013

Tim Page Photo Exhibition

 This is one of many recent photos exhibited at Meta House, a gallery where a German land titles project hosted an exhibition of photos by Tim Page, a legendary photo-journalist. The Germans were trying to show influential people the impact of being able to own land with clear title on the lives of the local people. This photo is of the poor working conditions in a gold mine. There was free wine, beer and German food at the exhibition so we all had a good time.
 Me, Anita, Al Rockoff and Tim. Al Rockoff was one of the last photo-journalists to leave Cambodia after the Khmer Rouge took power. He came very close to being killed by the Khmer Rouge. In the film "The Killing Fields", he is portrayed by John Malkovitch. However, Mr. Rockoff was cast in a very bad light in the film and has denounced it for many years. He and others say that he was not at fault for destroying a photograph of Dith Pran, a Cambodian translator, that might have helped create a believable passport to get Dith Pran out of the country. This scene portrayed in the film never happened. The journalist portrayed as the lead character in the film wrote the story and hurt Mr. Rockoff's career and reputation. A very brave man.
 Me, Anita, Tim Page, Tim, a Finnish friend of Tim's who also works in land titles and Ernie Perrier. Tim Page is a friend of brother Tim's. He has been a photo-journalist for many years and is legendary for his courageous battlefield shots during the Vietnam war. He was the inspiration for the character portrayed by Dennis Hopper in Apocalypse Now. He still enjoys a good time.
Another shot at the bar. We all had a great time. The five of us left Phnom Penh this morning in a rented van with driver, stopping at the Killing Fields, at caves near Kep, at the seaside in the town of Kep and are now at the Diamond Hotel in Kampot. Everyone is having a brief rest and we'll be going out for dinner (probably seafood) in half an hour. Today was a very full day so we'll post that tomorrow.

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