Monday, January 21, 2013

Sihanoukville Fishing

 Yesterday morning we left the dock a little after 8 am on this boat, owned by a New Zealand guy named Brian who also owns a bar called the Fishermen's Den. Brian is a character. He captained the boat and had 2 Cambodian deckhands who did most of the work. We travelled to just off an island about 1 1/2 hours from Sihanoukville. There were 11 tourists on board. When we got to our destination we still-fished just off the bottom in 10 to 20 metres of water.
 Anita caught the first fish.
 Me doing the fish pose. We caught lots of really small fish and quite a few about this size, still small but edible. Everyone on the boat caught fish so we were all happy and busy all day.
 We anchored just off this island and had a swim before lunch.
Beautiful clear, warm water.
Anita and Ernie fishing with Tim and Brian in the background.
 Here we are, hard at the fishing. Tim had his Arab garb to stay out of the sun. Beautiful day, very calm.
 Ernie Perrier, the fisherman of the day.
 Homeward bound. We got back to the dock about 5:30 pm.
 Our crew. From the left there's Nick, an English chef living in Australia with Tomoko, his Japanese girlfriend. Next there's big Dave, an Englishman who runs a tattoo parlour in Pattaya, Thailand and only goes home once a year for a couple of months to check on his rental properties. He's covered in tattoos, even his head and his face. Next to him is his buddy Brian, our captain and a man who never stopped telling crazy stories about his life as a bar and charter boat owner in Asia. Then there's Tim, Anita, me, Ernie, a couple of Norwegians, a Swede and an Australian. For a while we were having a fishing contest by nationality but eventually we lost track.
After we got off the boat we all took tuktuks back to our hotels for a shower. Then we gathered at Brian's bar for a buffet of some of our catch with french fries and salad. Total cost for the trip, including delicious hot stew for lunch and the buffet dinner, was $35 each (with beer at $1). Just a great day.

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